Bill Werner
Scott Anderson
1st Vice President
Scott Ross
2nd Vice President
Mike West
Corporate Secretary
Bryan DeNoskey
Corporate Treasurer
Dean Markley
Executive Secretary
We have revised our Masonic Mission. We continue to operate within the guidelines of our original charter as a registered 501-c3, but we are now operating in this century. Our primary focus is assisting Masons in good standing who are going through financial issues-loss of job, or sudden hardship expenses. Our assistance is Short-Term in nature. Masons in good standing need to be sponsored by their Home Lodge, we believe that Charity begins at home. The MSB will then step in after consulting with the WM of SEC of the Lodge to verify the need and clarify what we can do. Please note-if your Great Grandfather was a Mason in Timbuctoo, please do not waste our time.The Seattle MSB is for Masons in Good Standing and their immediate family. All requests for Charity are investigated, though we do not discuss the particulars of any case outside of our group
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Seattle Masonic Service Bureau
masons in need
Thanks for your interest in MSB and what these "topics" can mean for your Lodge. YOUR responsibility to the Lodge is to "Own" these aspects of Masonry. Charity and Funeral/Memorial services are integral to our walk as Masons. Your Lodge's participation in the MSB is important for us and to you. Providing a Trustee, willing to WORK / PARTICIPATE, opens a door for your Lodge to have a voice in our work and can be very fulfilling for Brothers wishing to learn about Masonic Charity. The future of the MSB is up to YOU. With additional active participation, our Trustees can greatly expand our services. As before any Mason may attend our Quarterly Meetings, and only Lodges that pay dues may have a voting trustee. Lodge dues are per member on the books, due January of each year. We meet at 10:00am on the last Saturday of February, April and October, with other meetings called as necessary.